We need YOU!
With your assistance, we can continue to provide basic-needs to Angelenos for whom everything has fundamentally changed due to this crisis
We are all in this together!

Other ways to support
⇒ Have extra of the below items? Please contact Courtney at cmattox@amanecerla.org or 213-416-1155 to coordinate a donation pick-up or drop-off.
- Non-Perishable Foods (rice, beans, soup, noodles, sauce, etc.)
- Diapers
- Masks
- Cleaning Products
- Hygiene Items
- Old Cell-Phones for Telehealth
- Laptops or Tablets for kids to continue schooling
- Craft and Art Supplies
⇒ Are you an organization or company interested in partnering with us? Please contact Courtney at cmattox@amanecerla.org or 213-416-1155